About MMC Zombies Project:

TO THE PEOPLE LOOKING INTO THIS GAME AND HIS OTHER GAMES: DO NOT BUY THIS GAME IN ITS CURRENT STATE!!! Charging money for this right now is INSULTING! ALSO DON’T BUY ANY OF HIS OTHER GAMES AS THE TRAILERS ARE A EMBARRASSMENT. Laggy and buggy in the trailer. Your better off spending your money else where. To You Matt Sowards: Look man I get it your dealing with stuff in real life but you should not have released this in the state that it is in because in the trailer there are NUMEROUS BUGS. AND THE FPS IS ♥♥♥♥ IN YOUR TRAILER. Like come one man IN YOUR TRAILER ♥♥♥♥ like that should NOT and I MEAN NOT be in your trailer because if you the person that made the damn game and can barely run it then why should I trust that it will run on anyone elses computer? Like seriously man I tried being nice in your discord but the issues that I discussed with you a couple months ago have still not been fixed. And this just isn’t okay. Your better off taking down the trailer and just having pictures. It is just embarrassing. And on another note don’t spam release games because it takes away from people that maybe want to buy your games. Good for what it is having lot s of fun exploring the map. It does state it is pre Alpha and work is being done. I just wish the developers were more involved with the community. Other than zombies not moving large map decent amount of stuff to do if give it a thumbs up.

How to run MMC Zombies Project roblox script / Exploit /Code / Hack and cheat